Giải Tiếng Anh 8 Global Success Unit 9 Skills 1 Tiếng Anh 8 Kết nối tri thức

2. Read the two news articles. Matched the highlighted words with their meanings.

(Đọc nhì bài xích báo. Nối những kể từ được ghi lại với ý nghĩa sâu sắc của chúng)

Bạn đang xem: Giải Tiếng Anh 8 Global Success Unit 9 Skills 1 Tiếng Anh 8 Kết nối tri thức

Giải Tiếng Anh 8 Global Success Unit 9 Skills 1

A volcano in the South Pacific erupted violently last Saturday. It hit Tonga, an island country in the area. The eruption sent a cloud of ash and gas into the air. People could see this cloud from trăng tròn kilometres away. The eruption also caused a tsunami which flooded properties in Tonga’s capital. Besides, it destroyed hundreds of homes on some small islands. More than thở twenty people on these islands are still missing. New Zealand sent two big ships to lớn Tonga to lớn help the victims yesterday.

Giải Tiếng Anh 8 Global Success Unit 9 Skills 1

Residents in tall buildings in Ha Noi were frightened when they felt a slight shaking for about 30 seconds last night. “I was watching TV when my building started trembling. Books, lights, and other things also moved”. Ms Nguyen Ha, a resident in the Sunshine Building, shared. Many people living in the building ran out of their homes in fear. According to lớn scientists, a strong earthquake in Đài Loan Trung Quốc caused this shaking. Luckily, there was no damage. 

1. violently

a. not yet found

Xem thêm: KOH + Cl2 → KCl + KClO + H2O | KOH ra KCl | KOH ra KClO | Cl2 ra KCl | Cl2 ra KClO.

2. tsunami

b. slightly shaking

3. missing

c. the bad feeling you have when you are frightened

4. trembling

Xem thêm: CT tính liên kết xích ma trong HCHC

d. very strongly

5. fear

e. very large waves in the sea